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The Secret Intelligence Wars in the Middle East

The secret intelligence wars continue with the structure of the Greater Middle East. Visam Al Hasan, Chief of Intelligence of Lebanon was killed in a bomb attack in Beirut last week. This assassination will lead to greatest consequences. Let’s take a brief look at the past before discussing this assassination target.

As we know, in February 14, 2005, Prime Minister Rafik Al Hariri who rebuilt Beirut was killed. Syria was held liable for this assassination and had been forced to leave from Lebanon. After the death of his father, Saad Al Hariri became the head of the Sunni movement and was appointed prime minister. Visam was the closest of Saad Al Hariri and was appointed Chief of the Lebanese Internal Intelligence Service.

Visam established o close relationship with the CIA. His suspected condition forgotten in Rafik Hariri Assassination.  He caught many Mossad agents and was a hero of the anti-Israel. On the other hand, He took very important roles such as to be held responsible Syria for the assassination of Rafik Hariri, to be eliminating of the pro-Syrian government officials and ministers, to be vacating the premises of Muhaberat buildings in Lebanon, to be share intelligence with the United States about the Hezbollah.

The most important intelligence and logistical support in July 18 attack on Damascus provided by Visam and he still won the largest heroism. If you remember, Syrian Defense Minister General Dawoud Rajiha, Assef Shawkat, President Bashar al-Assad’s brother-in-law and deputy defense minister, the assistant to the vice president General Hasan Turkmani, Interior minister Mohammad al-Shaar a and most importantly General Maher al-Assad – President Bashar al-Assad’s younger brother and the commander of the Republican Guard- after losing two legs- were died in this bomb attack. The Syrians caught a few high-level intelligence officers of neighboring countries (!), but the main charge was Prince Bandar.

Prince Bandar was the son of Norh African mistress of Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan who approached the age of 90 and belonging to Sudayri dynasty. He served as Washington ambassador and became the most significant mediator of industry oil and weapon by taking nickname as “Mr Bandar Bush”. He also became means in selling of billion dollars of USA weapons to Gulf countries. After failure of Afghanistan and Iraq, he is the founder of Muslim Brotherhood idea known as Arab Spring. CIA and MI6 commenced to take decisions by consulting to him in Middle East.

 Saad El Hariri born in Riyad has close relationship Sudayri dynasty and Mr. Bandar. He has importance on being prime minister of Saad El Hariri, taking support of USA and UK and having significant trading investments in neighboring countries. Prince Bandar has been the most important advisor of USA in the issues of the Arab Spring, Muslim Brotherhood and Syrian Civil War. He acceded to Saudi Arabia intelligence service after success of Damascus Assassination on July, 18. After the Damascus Assasination, it was mentioned about assassination to Prince Bandar but reality of this situation was not certain. At the same time, Russian and Syrian intelligence services identified address and gave message of that. Those not achieving to Prens Bandar, reached to Visam El Hasan who is the Lebanon representative of him.

 However, there are some obscure points on assassination. Visam El Hasan not saying to the closest assistant in returning of Germany travel to Lebanon, was assassinated with bomb attack in the narrowest street of Ashrafiyeh in Beirut. One of the two closest persons of him had information in this situation. Visam El Hasan met with the CIA director Petraeus in this month. In Tripoli, attacks to Shias supporting Syria were organized by Visam El Hasan. It is probable that Visam was removed from mission or repaid assassination of July, 18.

 In first possibility, USA intelligence is preparing a covert war after presindet elections. Priority target is Syrian supporters in Lebanon and Hezbollah. Also, the target is Hezbollah for Israel and the Mossad. Attacking to Iran without cleaning of Lebanon may be a big mistake. It is probable that Israel and USA are preparing a big operation to existence of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Christian Falangists, Sunnis, USA and Israel will take in same front line. In second probability, Russian and Syria intelligence services countered in best way. Syria showed own power and becoming permanent.

In my view, first probability is more appropriate than second one and In Lebanon, big operations will be commenced in winter.

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