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Syrian Ethnic Map for Researchers

The Ethnic Structure of Syria become even more important due to the decrease in military operations and the increase in diplomatic initiatives. Because the Kurdish Federation of North Syria targeted by the US & PKK Alliance is an occupation contrary to the existing demographic structure. That is why we prepared an Ethnic Map showing the current demographic structure of Syria. Especially, we showed all the villagers in Northern Syria according to the ethnic structure.

As it is known, the villages are the most important element showing the demography of a country. The population structure of the villagers can not be changed easily. We know that the population structure of many villages was changed in Hafez Assad in Syria and in Saddam Hussein in Iraq. The same is happening today in the northern part of Syria by the US & PKK Alliance. A Kurdish federation is being built in the region east of the Euphrates river. It is seen that Russia has left this region in the USA and supported the idea of ​​Syria Kurdish Federation.

The detections on our map are open to Verification and Correction. You can forward your criticisms, suggestions or findings on this subject from our contact page.

You can reach the map from this link.

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