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Shiite Turkmens get annoyed of Iraq and Iran Managements!

Iraqi Government which protests the military presence of Turkiye in Mosul with provocation of Russia and Iran, has created a great unrest among the Shiite Turkmens.

Shiite Turkmens believe that Turkiye’s main aim is to recovery TalAfar from ISIL in the Mosul region. As is known, TalAfar was a Turkmen city where around 250 thousand people live before ISIL’s occupation. A significant majority of TalAfar Turkmens abandoned their homes and emigrated to southern Iraq. Turkmens pray for returning to their homeland every day.

Shiite Turkmens who are pleased with the presence of the Turkish Military in the region, criticize Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi. Shiite Turkmens who believe that Iraqi Government is amenable to Iran and Russia Governments, began to express their thoughts on various platforms. It is the last mentioned that the complaints of Turkmens about this subject are conveyed to the largest Ayatollah Sistani. Thus, Sistani did not talk about the name of Turkiye in his last statement.

Meanwhile, we hear that the Persian Management of Iran provokes some Shiite Turkmen groups such as the Hashd Al Shabi and sends them the front lines against ISIL and Kurdish Peshmergas. So Iraqi Government has allocated large resources for these groups from the Iraqi state budget. Turkmen leaders and clerics of the Hashd Al Shabi, object to the provocations against Turkiye.

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